Friday, March 17, 2017

Things an Usher/Deacon Should Have on Hand for Church Services.

Deacon’s Closet

It maybe well to stock the following items for use at church to serve people in need.

1.   Dress and Groom Appropriately for the Occasion
2.   Keep Deacon’s Closet/Counter Clean and Organized.
3.   Extra Pew Bibles – for replacing missing Bibles.
4.   Tithe/Donation Envelopes – stamped and ready for pew supply.
5.   Pew Cards – for people to fill out and turn in.
6.   Pew Pencils – Golf Pencils.
7.   Reserved Signs – for reserving pews for any reason.
8.   Communion Supplies
a.    Basins – clean and stored for Foot Washing
b.   Towels – clean and stored in bins for Foot Washing
c.    Bins for fresh and dirty water and dirty towels.
d.   Trays for Bread and Wine
e.    Disposable Communion Cups
f.     Song Sheets
g.    Door Signs for Foot Washing Locations
h.   Hand Sanitizer
i.      Other
9.   Tissue Boxes – always needed during funerals, prayer services, etc.
10.                 Lost and Found Bins – Empty them regularly, making items available for claiming on a foyer table.
11.                 Blue Tape ½ Inch – For marking places for people to stand during rehearsals/performances
12.                 Matches – for when you need to light a candle.
13.                 Flashlights – Parking Lot Security
14.                 Reflective Vests – Parking Lot Security
15.                 Scissors
16.                 Straight Blade – for Opening Boxes
17.                 Counting Clicker
18.                 Attendance Recording Sheet for the Current Year
19.                 Lint Roller
20.                 Pens and Paper – for writing quick notes to platform personal
21.                 8oz/1cup Water Bottles
22.                 Cough Drops – Individually Wrapped – for the coughing worshipper.
23.                 Carpet Spot Cleaner
24.                 First Aid Kit
25.                 Acetaminophen – dispense to adults only as requested.
26.                 Aspirin – chewable (dispense if someone is having a heart attack.)
27.                 Breath Mints – For the people that need them.
28.                 A Smile
29.                 A Cheerful Attitude of Helpfulness
30.                 Other:  This is a starting list.  What other times would it be good for the deacons to have on hand for use in their ministry to people while at church?

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